After seven successful editions, we are honoured to introduce you to the eighth edition of TEDx hosted by the University of Amsterdam: TEDxUniversiteitvanAmsterdam.
The theme of the eighth edition of TEDxUniversiteitvanAmsterdam will be Sapiens. Sapiens is a TEDx theme that delves into our shared humanity amidst today's challenges, such as wars, humanitarian crises, and political polarisation. Despite the myriad issues that divide us, we are united by universal experiences like love, friendship, and family ties.

Find out more about each speaker by pressing on their photo

United Through Diversity
The goal of the event centred around Sapiens encourages speakers and attendees to explore these common bonds, reflecting on personal stories, diverse experiences, and innovative ideas that highlight our interconnectedness.
By focusing on what unites us, Sapiens aims to foster solidarity and mutual understanding among the eight billion people on our planet. Through insightful anecdotes, scientific perspectives, and societal reflections, the event seeks to inspire a collective appreciation of our shared humanity and promote a more compassionate, connected world.
Ready to challenge your own biases, assumptions and beliefs? Topics include:


Have you ever wanted to give a TED Talk? Are you passionate about a topic? Do you have an idea worth spreading?
Pitch Night is an opportunity for students to deliver a 5-minute speech on a topic that they are passionate about under our theme of Sapiens.
A jury will select the most thought-provoking speech to go on to be a speaker at the TEDxUniversiteitvanAmsterdam event in November and meet our renowned speakers personally.
Unfortunately, our application window to speak at Pitch Night is closed. Stay tuned for more updates!

The University of Amsterdam is the Netherlands’ largest university and one of Europe’s most prominent research-led institutions. The UvA’s history dates back from 1632 and has grown over the past centuries into a modern University with a leading reputation in the international world of science. The UvA fosters a state-of-the-art environment and has a large impact on society, which perfectly fits with the nature and spirit of TEDx events.
TEDx events are local editions of the American TED conferences. They are devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design united, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. The TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world, which makes the University of Amsterdam the perfect venue to do so.